
Thank you for visiting Sweet & Savory Palmer’s. Your privacy is paramount to us. This Privacy Policy outlines our data practices. If you have further queries, email [email protected].

Our Use of Cookies

Cookies are small files sent from a web server to your browser, storing an identifier. This identifier is sent back to the server each time you request a page. Cookies can be persistent or session-based. Persistent cookies stay valid until their expiry date or until you delete them, while session cookies expire when you close your browser. They don’t typically contain personally identifying information, but data we store about you might be linked to information obtained from cookies.

Email Addresses

We may collect your email address if you provide it voluntarily, such as when signing up for newsletters or promotions. We’ll use it for the intended purpose and may send you emails about our site or related products/services. You can opt out at any time by clicking “unsubscribe.” Your email won’t be shared with third parties. If you’re in the European Economic Area (EEA), refer to “Additional Rights of EEA Residents.”

Registration or Account Data

When you register with Sweet & Savory Palmer’s, we may collect additional information like your name, birthday, postal code, screen name, and password (if applicable). Other data you provide voluntarily, such as comments, may also be collected. We may gather information through research surveys, social media, verification services, or public sources. This data may be combined with your registration data. Third parties may assist in registration but won’t receive personally-identifying information unless required by law.

Sale of Business or Assets

If Sweet & Savory Palmer’s undergoes a sale, merger, bankruptcy, or receivership, your information may be transferred as an asset.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. The latest version will be posted on Sweet & Savory Palmer’s with an “Effective Date.” Material changes will be communicated, and your consent sought if necessary. By using our site after the Effective Date, you consent to the updated policy.

Contacting Us

For any queries about this Privacy Policy or our practices, contact us at [email protected]. Your privacy matters to us.